How to keep bees away from hummingbird feeders

How To Keep Bees Away From Hummingbird Feeders – 10 Practical Ways

Don’t let bees ruin the fun: 10 tips for keeping feeder bee-free and hummingbirds happy!

10 Tips On How To Keep Bees Away From Hummingbird Feeders

Bees and hummingbirds are both beautiful creatures, but they can cause quite a problem when they try to share the same space. As bird lover, I understand how frustrating it is when bees keep coming around your hummingbird feeder and discourage the birds from using it.

That’s why I wanted to provide you with some tips on how to keep bees away from your hummingbird feeders so that you can enjoy watching these tiny birds in peace!

At the end of this article you have at least 10 simple steps that will help deter bees from getting near your feeder and make sure that your backyard remains a safe haven for all of its feathered inhabitants.

Use Smells To Deter Bees

Using alternative scents to keep bees away from hummingbird feeders can be a great way to ensure that the birds are not disturbed by unwanted visitors.

One of the best ways to do this is to use bee-proofing materials like netting or fine mesh fabric which will help deter bees from entering the area and getting close enough to the feeder for them to become an issue.

Additionally, planting certain attractant plants in your garden may also help repel bee populations since some flowers produce smells that bees don’t particularly enjoy.

It’s important to note that using specific essential oils such as lavender, lemongrass, citronella, eucalyptus, and peppermint have been proven effective at keeping pesky insects away and should therefore be considered when trying to protect your hummingbirds’ food supply.

Furthermore, if these methods aren’t working it might be worth considering taking more active steps such as moving the feeder further away from any potential sources of bee activity or switching out your current feeder with one specifically designed to keep out pollinators.

All things considered, there are lots of options available when looking for ways to keep bees away from hummingbird feeders!

Plant Bee-Repelling Plants

It’s possible to keep bees away from hummingbird feeders without using harsh chemicals.

In the town of Littleton, Colorado, a local beekeeper implemented an innovative solution that not only kept the bees away from the feeder but also attracted pollinators to his garden.

He planted bee-repelling plants like lavender and pennyroyal around his hummingbird feeder, making sure they were far enough apart so as not to create too much of a barrier for other insects looking for food sources.

The beekeeper also created a ‘bee friendly’ garden with plenty of flowers and herbs that would attract different types of pollinators while still keeping out unwanted honeybees.

His efforts paid off – he noticed fewer bees hovering around the hummingbird feeder and more butterflies fluttering through his yard.

By taking these steps, he was able to create a peaceful environment where both birds and bugs could thrive.

Utilize Bee Repellent Sprays

When it comes to keeping bees away from hummingbird feeders, bee repellent sprays are an effective solution.

While many store-bought solutions exist, you can also try making your own spray with natural ingredients such as essential oils and water.

When creating a homemade spray, be sure to avoid sweet scents that might attract the bees instead of repel them.

You may even want to create a barrier around the feeder using plants or herbs known for their insect-repelling properties.

Though bee repellent sprays offer an easy way to keep buzzing insects at bay, remember that they will need to be reapplied regularly in order for them remain effective over time.

As always, if you’re ever unsure about what type of solution is best suited for protecting your hummingbird feeders from unwanted pests, consult a professional beekeeper for advice and guidance.

Hang A Fake Bee Hive

In the event that using bee repellent sprays isn’t a viable option, another way to keep bees away from hummingbird feeders is by hanging a fake bee hive. This may seem counter-intuitive but it does work as it acts as an effective decoy for nearby bee colonies. It also has the added advantage of being a non-toxic solution.

To ensure maximum effectiveness, you should hang the fake bee hive in close proximity to your hummingbird feeder around 4-6 feet away, while adding barriers and installing screens to prevent any direct contact between them both.

Doing this will help create an illusion that there are already more honeybees than necessary in the area and they won’t need to come towards your hummingbird feeders anymore.

While results vary depending on the size of the colony near your home or garden, using this method can significantly reduce the number of bees visiting your area if done correctly.

Make Sure Your Feeder Is Clean

Bees can be a nuisance around hummingbird feeders, but with the right precautions, you can keep them away.

One of the best ways to deter bees from your feeder is regular cleaning. You should clean your feeder often and completely remove any residue or spillage that may attract these unwanted visitors.

To make sure it’s as good as new each time you clean it, use vinegar and water in equal parts and rinse thoroughly with hot water afterwards.

Additionally, using lids on your feeder can help prevent bees from swarming too close to where the birds are eating.

This will give the hummingbirds more space to eat without being disturbed while significantly reducing the chances of bees getting into their food supply.

Keeping your feeder closed also ensures that there won’t be any overflow which could potentially draw more bees closer to the area.

With some simple maintenance tips like this, you’ll have no problem keeping pesky bees away from your hummingbird habitat!

Keep Your Feeder Out Of Direct Sunlight

Hummingbird feeders should be kept out of direct sunlight to minimize the reflection of light that attracts bees. Placing your feeder in a shaded area or away from south-facing windows can help keep them away.

Also, adjust the height at which you hang your hummingbird feeder to discourage bee activity. If it’s too close to vegetation and shrubs where they are more likely to land, move it higher up so they won’t have easy access.

You also want to make sure there is enough space around the feeder for predators such as birds and bats who will eat any bees that get too near.

By following these simple steps you can ensure that bees stay away from your hummingbird feeder while still allowing plenty of room for our feathered friends to come enjoy their nectar!

Position Your Feeder Away From Trees And Bushes

Back in the olden days, beekeeping experts had one primary piece of advice for keeping bees away from hummingbird feeders: move your feeder far away from any trees or bushes. Nowadays, there are more sophisticated strategies you can use to bee proof your yard and keep these pesky invaders out!

When positioning your hummingbird feeder, make sure it is at least 10 feet away from any flowering plants that may be attractive to bees.

If possible, try putting up a wind chime nearby as this can help create an environment where the buzzing of their wings won’t attract them towards the food source.

Additionally, opt for a dish-style feeder with no perches; this type of design makes it difficult or impossible for bees to land on and access the nectar.

Lastly, hang your hummingbird feeder in full sun if possible; when temperatures soar in places like Texas and Arizona during summer months, bees will stay away from hot spots while they hunt for food sources.

Unattractive to pollinators but perfect for attracting beautiful hummingbirds – problem solved!

Use Feeders That Are Bee-Proof

The next step in keeping bees away from hummingbird feeders is to use bee-proof materials. Bee proof materials such as plastic, metal and glass can help prevent the bees from accessing your nectar supply.

It is also important to note that some natural deterrents like cayenne pepper or garlic oil may work against them too. However, it’s best to avoid these methods if you don’t want to attract other animals into your garden.

As a final resort, chemical repellents can be used when all else has failed. These come in sprays and granules which are designed specifically for this purpose. Be sure to read the directions before using any of these products, however; they should not be used on edible plants and fruits because of their toxicity levels.

If done correctly though, these can provide an effective solution for banishing bees from your hummingbird feeder once and for all!

Hang Feeders At Least Five Feet Off The Ground

Hanging your hummingbird feeder at least five feet off the ground is a key strategy to keep bees away. This helps ensure that the bee’s flight path does not intersect with the hummingbirds, as they typically fly around four and a half feet in height.

To further prevent bees from reaching your feeders, you can add traps or screens near them. Traps are specially designed to attract and kill certain types of insects such as honeybees. They should be hung no more than two feet from the feeder itself so that it has maximum effectiveness.

Screens can also be used on both sides of the feeder to create a barrier between it and any potential pests. Make sure these screens are made out of mesh, which will allow for airflow but still act as an effective deterrent against unwanted visitors.

By following these simple steps, you can help ensure that your hummingbird feeders remain safe and free from pesky bees!

Action Tool Needed Benefits
Hang Feeder Far Away From Ground None Prevents Bees Flight Path Intersecting With Hummingbirds’
Add Traps Near Feeder Trap Attracts And Kills Certain Types Of Insects Like Honeybees
Use Mesh Screen Screen & Mesh Creates Barrier Between Feeder & Pests + Allows Airflow

So make sure you take advantage of this advice when setting up your hummerfeeders – it’ll give you peace of mind knowing that your backyard birds won’t be disturbed by unwelcome guests!

Use A Bee-Proof Feeder Dish

To further deter bees from hummingbird feeders, it is important to use a bee-proof feeder dish. This can be identified by looking for certain features such as a perch guard or an enclosed design surrounded with mesh screens that make it difficult for the bees to enter.

It is always wise to check the feeders regularly and suspend them if signs of bee activity are present.

It is also beneficial to hang multiple hummingbird feeders at least five feet off the ground in order to prevent any other unwanted pests from being able to access them easily.

The more you create deterrents to keep away bees, the better chance your feathered friends will have of enjoying their meal uninterrupted!

Use Feeders Designed To Keep Bees Away

Hummingbird feeders can be designed to help keep bees away from them.

To avoid bee friendly colors, opt for solid red or yellow hues, as these are not attractive to bees.

Additionally, bees prefer sweeter nectars than what hummingbirds consume so using a dilution of one part sugar and four parts water will discourage the presence of honeybees.

When selecting material for your feeder, go with bee proof materials such as plastic or metal that won’t absorb odors which could attract bees.

If you have an existing wooden feeder, make sure it is properly sealed with waterproof paint to ensure there are no cracks or crevices where pests can enter.

With proper care and attention to detail when purchasing hummingbird feeders, you can greatly reduce the chances of attracting pesky honeybees in your yard.

Keep Feeders Away From Open Windows And Doors

To keep bees away from hummingbird feeders, it is essential to use feeders designed with air tight seals and screened openings. However, this isn’t necessarily enough – if the feeder is placed too close to open windows or doors, a bee may still find its way in.

As such, all bird feeders should be located at least ten feet away from any open entry points on your home. Additionally, motion detectors can also help prevent bees from entering; they will detect the presence of a bee before it has an opportunity to get near the feeder.

By using these tactics together, you can create an effective barrier against pesky bees without compromising the safety of your beloved hummers. Therefore, when placing birdfeeders around your home make sure that you take into account both their design and location for optimal results!

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Do I Need To Use Smells To Deter Bees?

When discussing ways to deter bees from hummingbird feeders, it’s important to consider how long you need to use smells.

A beekeeping expert would recommend natural options such as certain plants types and colors that are known to repel bees.

These can often be effective for a longer period of time than artificial deterrents, allowing you to keep your hummingbirds safe without needing to replace the deterrent every few days or weeks.

How Often Should I Use Bee Repellent Sprays?

Beekeepers use a variety of repellent sprays to keep bees away from hummingbird feeders.

An interesting statistic is that most experts recommend using the spray every 2-3 weeks for optimal effectiveness.

Additionally, it’s important to not just rely on this method alone and instead combine it with other techniques such as hanging plants, light reflectors, and bee traps.

As an expert in the field, I highly suggest following these steps to ensure you are able to enjoy your hummingbirds without pesky bees getting in their way!

How Far Away Should I Position My Feeder From Trees And Bushes?

When it comes to positioning your feeder away from trees and bushes, beekeeping experts recommend keeping the hummingbird feeders at least 10 feet away.

This provides an additional layer of protection against any bees in the area while also giving you time to take other steps like using a dishwashing detergent and baking soda solution or essential oils as repellents.

Not only will this help keep bees away but it can also protect your birds from other pests that may be hiding in shrubs and trees.

Is There A Specific Type Of Feeder Designed To Keep Bees Away?

When it comes to keeping bees away from hummingbird feeders, one of the best solutions is to use a bee proof feeder.

Bee proof feeders are designed with tight-fitting lids and entrances that have small openings which make them inaccessible for honeybees.

Additionally, you can also plant flowering plants or hang baskets around your feeder as this will attract pollinators other than honeybees.

These methods should help reduce the number of bees coming near your hummingbird feeders.

Are There Any Other Methods To Keep Bees Away From Hummingbird Feeders?

Are you looking for ways to keep pesky bees away from your hummingbird feeders?

Well, beekeeping experts have got you covered!

Not only are there honey-based deterrents and bee proofing materials available on the market today, but also pest repelling plants that can be incorporated into your garden.

From strategically placed netting around the hummingbird feeder to positioning certain flowers nearby to act as a natural defense system – it’s easy to protect your beloved birds without resorting to harsh chemicals or sprays.

So why wait; get started on bee proofing now and enjoy watching those beautiful hummingbirds in peace!


It’s important to remember that bees are essential for pollination and shouldn’t be eliminated altogether. To keep them away from your hummingbird feeder, you need to take the necessary precautions.

First off, smells can be used as a temporary deterrent, but must be reapplied regularly in order to remain effective. Bee repellent sprays should also be used every few days.

Additionally, it’s best to place your feeder at least 15 feet away from any trees or bushes nearby. Finally, there are special bee-proof hummingbird feeders available on the market that will effectively prevent bees from accessing the nectar inside.

By following these tips, you’ll ensure that your hummingbirds stay safe while still allowing our buzzing friends their much needed access to flowers and other sources of food!

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